A few weeks ago I got a different request from my webdesigner Stefan ( who also is a good alpine skier) He showed me a clip from Canada where som guys were sking ”pillows” in the forest landscape. ”Do you know a place here in Lapland where I can do this?”….After a while I remembered a step hill at the Arctic circle…said and done. Saturday morning we packed the equipment on the snowmobiles and took off up there.
Well, after 2 hours of snowmobiling we reached the mountain, not as much snow as we expected but enough 0,9 m to make a first descent. For the fact…NO ONE HAVE EVER BEEN THERE ON SKI. Trying out some different lines and drops getting up on the mountain again with the snowmobile daylight ran out. So some coffee and sweetbread before heading back for the civilisation.
Stefan and Maria was sure about one thing……we have to do this again..Do you know any more mountains. I answered many….many more. 🙂
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