So finally the start of the Rafting season is here, up in the far north we still have wild untouched rivers. Yesterday we were rafting with some guests from a big company up here in the north, the guests were invited from the south of Sweden.
Somewhere in the rafting security instructions I got the question: – ”How much electricity is this river producing?” I told the guest NONE….because its one of the few rivers thats still alive in Scandinavia. 80% of the rivers are producing electricity in Scandinava. ”Green”electricity off course but on the cost of other things. When a river is reconstructed with ponds and hydro power plants, there is actually no rapids left. This also have negative effects on the surrounding environment and the ecological system. Green power in many ways but with consequences for the wildlife, the reindeerherding and all life that is depending on a free running river. And definately no rafting…
So I told my guest, If all of us could try to save some electricity by not using all the gadgets and thing we today have in our households probably we would not need to kill more rivers that is a source to life and recreation and the home for thousands of species depending on a free river.
In Swedish Lapland we still have the three wild rivers Råne, Kalix and Torne River. They are the last ones of free running water. Its up to us to save them for the future. So turn off the TV, the laptop, the cellphone charger. All the things that you not are using all the time. Try to save a little bit of Electricity and instead go rafting with us at CreActive Adventure to enjoy the REAL power of a free river. We know that you will return with a big smile on your face
Rafting Team CreActive
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