Hi! Adventure friends, this winter up here in Swedish Lapland is probably one of the coldest in many years. Does it stop us from doing adventures?
No… but I can admit that its easier working outdoors when temprature is more moderate than -40C. Anyhow our clients from abroad likes it, because the adventure itself turns in to another dimension.
With cold weather we get clear sky, and now in mid february we are getting longer days here at 66 north. Its beautiful, the air is crisp, trees are coverd with snow and there is something magic when your eye lashes freezes together in a blink of your eye. The silence is what our guest get fascinated of. On a snow shoe tour the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat.
A good way of knowing that you are fully alive!


Richard from UK enjoying the real Lapland winter on snowshoes

Frosty and happy faces -36C at Treehotel

Spiken Camp, cold, remote and one of the most silent places in the world
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