Team Creactive

Love Rynbäck
Owner and Managing Director of CreActive Adventure since 2001. More than 30 years experience of guiding in Northern Scandinavia. Likes to spend time outdoors with the groups instead of inside the office. Licensed Rafting and White water specialist. Responsible for all expeditions all year around in cold or warm weather. Makes sure that you as our guest gets the best possible experience during your stay up here in Lapland together with our team at our adventures.

Petter Forsmark
A real adventure guide with lot of skills. Petter is a skilled carpenter and white water enthusiast and a dedicated hunter. White water and paddle sport is his passion when he is not climbing or working for Creactive. You can always se his gentle smile when your out in the extreme, with Petter you will feel safe participating in our White water adventures.

Ulf Landström
Ulf is our most experienced snowmobile guide in the mountain region. With more than 20 years in the Swedish Mountain Rescue force you can be sure that he never looses the track in front of you. Loves nature and will do anything for you as a client to get a good experience of your time in the Swedish mountains. Prefers real winter conditions instead of summer heat.

Liza Löfgren
is a Guide and Administrator at CreActive Adventure, Liza works with our groups and keeps social media updated as well as administration of the company. Liza is also a good chef that can bring out the best of the specialities we have in Swedish Lapland. You will meet her at some of our adventures out in the wild. Liza is Love’s fiancée.