First week of August our Swedish -American group arrived for a week of rafting and fly fishing on the Kaitum River. One of the most beautiful rivers up here in northern sweden. Beside of a world class rafting in grade 3 -5 Kaitum offers great fishing for trout and grayling. We got a exiting week with great weather and fishing out of the ordinary, and the rafting through Unna kourtje and Lieteik kuika rapids were excellent. Enjoy the images taken by Mr J. Astrom.

The helicopter taking off from Nikkaloukta heading for Kaitum River

View from the cockpit

First nights fishing in Tjirtjam rapids

Tjirtjam Rapids with Kebnekaise massives in the background

Scott and Jonathan prepared for Lietikukia Rapids class IV

Recon of Unna Kourtje falls class V before the descent

Heavy Boat!

Mr Astrom with a nice Grayling!

Nightcamp at Patakouika Rapids

A big moose saying goodbye on the last day of Expedition
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